I offer natal chart analysis, tarot readings, and spiritual coaching. My mission is to teach and enlighten, and I realize that not every method is going to resonate with everyone.Therefore, I offer many different options to fulfill your spiritual needs in a way most suitable for your desires.In regards to the turn around on readings, I do ask for a week to complete them to ensure that you are getting my highest quality work!
*All sales are final and non-refundable*

T a r o t
Tarot is my preferred method of divination I can use to connect with the deep and hidden energies behind the situations my clients are going through. This is the easiest and most accurate way to connect with relationship energies when birth data is not accurate or available. I currently offer tarot readings in 30, 45, & 60 minute long prerecorded sessions that are sent to you via WeTransfer directly to your email inbox.
A s t r o l o g y

A formal analysis of one's birth chart can bring invaluable insight into the behavioral patterns and circumstances that an individual will encounter in this life. A chart analysis can also give way to information about one's past lives, potential karmic debt, and lessons that they signed up to learn during this incarnation.
There are several different types of astrological charts that can be analyzed, most commonly being the natal birth chart of one individual, however, I also have experience working with synastry and composite charts for lovers, friends, and family members. Whatever your astrological need is, I would be happy to fulfill it!
P r i c i n g
Tarot Reading Prices
30 Minute Session- $65
45 Minute Session- $95
60 Minute Session-$125
Astrological Chart Analysis
Natal Charts
30 Minute Session-$65
60 Minute Session-$125
Combination Readings
Please contact me for availability/scheduling!
For business enquiries: